Miramar Santa Monica

Redevelopment of the existing Miramar Santa Monica hotel at the prominent corner of Ocean Avenue and Wilshire Boulevard in Santa Monica with a new hotel (up to 312 guest rooms), condominiums (up to 60) that can also be added to the pool of guest rooms, ground floor retail and restaurants; on-site underground parking and publicly-accessible open space and gardens. The project is designed by Pelli Clarke & Partners and incorporates and celebrates two City-designated landmarks on the site - a historic Moreton Bay Fig Tree and the Palisades Building (which is being rehabilitated and utilized for hotel guestrooms). A key community benefit of the project is the development of a 100% Affordable Housing Project with 42 apartments across the street from the hotel.

Entitlements secured include: Development Agreement with the City of Santa Monica, Amendment to City of Santa Monica's 1992 Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan, Subdivision map (vesting airspace subdivision and residential condominiums), Certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Statement of Overriding Considerations, Administrative Approval and State Density Bonus Incentive/Concession for the associated 100% Affordable Housing Project, Coastal Development Permits, and authorization to demolish existing luxury hotel building and bungalows.

Hearing bodies: Santa Monica Planning Commission, Santa Monica City Council, Santa Monica
Landmarks Commission, Santa Monica Architectural Review Board, California Coastal Commission

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